• 投稿カテゴリー:Traveling

00:00 What’s up? We’re Marko and Alex – the Vagabrothers.
00:02 And these are our Top 10 Tips on how to do L.A. like a local.
00:05 [Vagabrothers Intro]
00:08 A lot of people come to L.A. because they’ve seen it in the movies, and then the get here
00:12 and it’s not quite what they expected.
00:13 L.A. is a huge city, the sights are super spread out, and it can take a while to get
00:17 under its skin.
00:18 So here are our top 10 tips on where to go in this awesome city.
00:22 Let’s do it!
00:24 Number One – Venice Beach. It’s where every local takes their out-of-town friends and
00:29 that’s because a) it’s awesome and b) a stroll down the boardwalk can be as foreign for us
00:34 as it is for you. For extra credit, explore the canals or the cool cafes and shops on
00:38 Abbot Kinney.
00:39 We are watching Vagabrothers.
00:41 If you ain’t messin’ with the Vagabrothers, you ain’t on…
00:45 You ain’t on and we ain’t f*ckin’ with you, man!
00:47 Just up the coast is the Santa Monica Pier, where the Route 66 hits the Pacific Ocean.
00:51 It’s cool, but if you’re into people watching or shopping, head to the 3rd Street Promenade.
01:02 LACMA – the Los Angeles County Museum of Artor the free hilltop Getty Center,
01:07 which has world-class art exhibits, a zen sculpture garden and panoramic views of L.A.
01:13 Another good view of the city is from the Hollywood Hills. Check out the Griffith Park
01:16 Observatory, made famous by James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause, or for an active alternative,
01:22 hike up Runyon Canyon, the most accessible slice of nature in this concrete jungle.
01:28 Number Five – Get stuck in traffic!
01:30 I hate this one.
01:31 Yeah, but it’s inevitable and it’s pretty much the most authentic thing you can do.
01:35 So what?
01:35 So let’s dance!
01:37 Yeah!
01:42 that criss-cross L.A. everyday at lunchtime. Follow your favorite food trucks by finding
01:47 their tweets. Get started with these guys.
01:56 That’s not going to happen. Skip the Walk of the Stars and come to Amoeba Music, the
02:03 you can buy their album.
02:04 L.A. is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world, so when it comes to grabbing
02:09 dinner, you’ve got plenty of options. Grab some injera in Little Ethiopia, a curry in
02:22 After dinner, it’s time for some entertainment – a stand up comedy show at the Laugh Factory
02:27 in West Hollywood. You never know who’s going to be on stage, but the comics are always
02:30 great and there’s usually at least one big-name comedian.
02:33 It’s been an eventful day, so finish strong with a night of partying. Hollywood has the
02:39 clubs, the West Side has the class, but some of the funnest bars are in East LA in Echo
02:44 Park and Silverlake.
02:46 So those are our tips – what are yours? Tell us in the comic box below.
02:49 As always, if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up, share it with friends and subscribe
02:53 to this channel for more travel videos every Tuesday.
02:55 Alright, that’s it.
02:57 See you on the road
02:59 Later