Venice Italy Top Things To Do | Viator Travel Guide(3:05)

  • 投稿カテゴリー:Traveling

Warm Up

  1. Have you ever been to Venice before? If you have, what was your favorite thing about the city?
  2. What are some things Venice famous for?
  3. What is your favorite Italian dish and why?
Before the video: Teachers will read the following questions aloud, please prepare for listening!
After the video: Did you get it? If not, please tell your teacher specifically which part you didn’t understand. Let’s review the video again 🙂
  1. How can you travel around the city of Venice?
  2. What is special about the Grand Canal?
  3. What kind of things do the glass blowers make?
Key Words & Phrases
Do you understand the following Key Words & Phrases? Your teacher will select Key Words & Phrases and ask you about their meanings.
If you don’t understand, your teacher can explain them. Afterwards, try to use the Key Words & Phrases to make a sentence!
  1. 00:10 – This is probably one of the most unique and romantic cities I have ever been to.
  2. 00:16 getting in a gondola and cruising through the canals.
  3. 00:34 Navigating Venice isn’t like navigating your normal city.
  4. 00:41 There are just these little alleyways.
  5. 00:56 We were watching all these gondolas go by with the gondoliers in their striped shirts
  6. 01:49 An Italian man serenading you.
  7. 02:13 It’s these intricate, colorful pieces of art.
  8. 02:25 All the people mulling about
  1. What stood out to you the most in this video?
  2. What would be your dream trip to Venice?
  3. If you could live in Venice for 1 year, would you?
You will be a customer and trying to order something you’d like! Your teacher will be a waiter, staff, worker and so on to take your order🙂🙂
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00:08 – Welcome to Venice.
00:10 – This is probably one of the most unique
00:11 and romantic cities I’ve ever been to.
00:14 And I think the thing I’m most excited about
00:16 is getting in a gondola and cruising through the canals.
00:19 – And we want to wander around the streets
00:21 and just get totally lost in these little alleyways.
00:24 Venice, we’re gonna have a good time.
00:29 Venice is without a doubt
00:30 the most unique city on the planet.
00:34 Navigating Venice isn’t like navigating
00:36 your normal city.
00:37 – I don’t know how he’s finding his way around,
00:41 There are just these little alleyways.
00:44 in those dank little alleyways,
00:46 and you come into an area like this.
00:48 This right here is a fairy tale land.
00:52 – Now for the thing I’ve most been looking forward to,
00:54 the gondola ride.
00:55 It’s so fun.
00:56 We were watching all these gondolas go by
00:58 with the gondoliers in their striped shirts
01:01 and trying to keep the boat balanced.
01:04 This is so much fun.
01:04 I’ve always dreamed of riding in a gondola,
01:07 and now I’m in Venice, Italy riding in one.
01:11 – I’m on the Grand Canal part,
01:13 and this is the main street of Venice.
01:16 It’s very wide, and most of the boats
01:17 go up and down here,
01:19 and the only way to get around this town
01:21 is by taking a boat or by walking.
01:24 – I don’t know how it can get any better than that,
01:26 but now we’re gonna sit down
01:29 Mmm.
01:30 Italian gnocchi. The best.
01:37 – Everybody’s in a good mood,
01:38 ‘cause you’re just kinda floating along.
01:40 How can you ever be in a bad mood in Venice?
01:45 – It does not get any more romantic than this.
01:47 Going through the canals of Venice
01:49 with an Italian man serenading you.
01:59 So this is gonna be really interesting.
02:01 It’s amazing to see these guys blowing glass,
02:04 and then shaping them into these animals,
02:06 and all different kinds of things.
02:09 Wow.
02:10 What you see in here is not your traditional
02:13 It’s these intricate, colorful pieces of art.
02:20 – This is the terrace here at St. Mark’s,
02:21 and I have to say it’s one of the best views
02:23 I’ve ever seen.
02:24 You have the whole square down there.
02:25 All the people mulling about,
02:27 the cafes,
02:28 the port over there.
02:30 This is a nice place to hang out.
02:34 where Venice has kind of the drab colors,
02:36 Burano has these bright colored houses.
02:39 It’s almost like the Caribbean,
02:40 and it’s just this cute, adorable little town
02:43 right along this little canal.
02:46 – Venice,
02:48 there are no words.
02:52 this place would be.
02:53 – [Female Host] It’s been such a great trip,
02:54 and we will definitely be back soon.
Listening Answers:
  1. 01:21 by boat or by walking
  2. 01:11 The Grand Canal is the main street in Venice, many of the gondolas go up and down this street
  3. 02:04 The glass blowers create animals out of blown glass.