Business Part 21: What’s the Difference Between “Staying in Touch” and Micromanaging?

  • 投稿カテゴリー:Business

Warm up

—- ** FOR NEW STUDENTS ** —————————————- ———-

  1. What industry do you work in and what is your role?
  2. What are your responses in your role / position?
  3. Can you describe to the function of your workplace / company?
  4. How many departments, how many offices. National or International?
  5. What is the Minimum requirements for employment ie Education or Experience?
  6. How many opportunities are there to ‘move up the ladder’?
  7. What is the process for changing job roles ie Interview? Test?

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General discussion about your workweek:

  1. Current projects? Deadlines? Opportunities?
  2. Anything of interest happening?

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What is micromanagement

“In business management, micromanagement is a management style whereby a manager closely observes and/or controls and/or reminds the work of his/her subordinates or employees. Micromanagement is generally considered to have a negative connotation, mainly due to the fact that it shows a lack of freedom in the workplace.”


  1. How is trust built?
  2. What are 2 examples of one-way communication?
  3. Describe the line between micromanaging and staying in touch


one of the terms that we hear a lot in our work at remote leadership institute is micromanaging. nobody wants to be a micro manager, nobody wants to be micro managed and frequently that word gets thrown around when it comes to how much communication is going on.

So how do you stay in touch and get what you need as the manager without coming across as the dreaded micro manager, well there are a few things; the first is to know that micro management comes from a place of mistrust.

As we know Trust is built over time based on evidence, is there a track record? if Alice has always gotten her work done on time let’s assume that Alice will get her work done on time, so communicate often and look at the track record.

Certain people need more attention than others other people work very well unsupervised, let them do what they do.

second is, the perception of micromanaging often comes because it’s one-way communication, the constant barrage of emails drowning people in information, commands, requests, good two-way communication gives you what you need and actually lowers the number of instances of communication that have to happen

if you have good two-way live communication with someone you can identify barriers to success, you can identify potential problems, you can find out when the next good time to talk to them is and it helps you control the amount of information which of course is where that perception of micromanagement comes in.

micromanaging communication is often unexpected and unscheduled, it comes out of the blue, it interrupts people, it makes them crazy. Get what you need and set expectations for future communication

you’re not trying to bust anyone, you’re not trying to catch them being unprepared, you really want to make this a comfortable communication for everybody and so if you schedule the communication, give them a heads up when you’ll be calling or checking in it will feel less like big brother is watching them.

then finally at the beginning of your working relationship with people communicate expectations and standards including what you need to get your job done, your request for information at the end of the week is not about making sure they’re getting their work done, it’s because you need that information to go to your boss.

If people know what your expectations and needs are they might actually help you meet them without your being overly demanding so the line between micromanaging and staying in touch can be awfully thin but it can also be very clear.



  1. Do you prefer to work unsupervised or with a stronger connection to others / more communication?
  2. Have you ever experienced micromanagement? Describe some of your experiences with managers in the past
  3. How does your current boss stay in touch with you? How do you manage your subordinates?



  1. thrown around = used loosely or without enough consideration
  2. stay in touch = keep in contact, stay connected
  3. coming across = appears to be, gives the perception of, how it seems / looks like
  4. dreaded / feared.
  5. mistrust / distrust = lack of trust. Distrust comes from experience, Mistrust more instinctual, not evidence but feeling about someone/something
  6. built  / build a relationship / friendship / trust / rapport = a close and harmonious relationship, great communication
  7. track record = history of behaviour / achievements
  8. Perception / How they see it + understand it
  9. barrage / bombard (military term) verb = continuous attack
  10. “drowning people in information” = overwhelming
  11. instances / occasions / times
  12. barriers to success – refer to personality test
  13. “it comes out of the blue” / surprise, shock, unexpected
  14. bust  = be caught in the act of doing something wrong. / seen doing something wrong
  15. heads up = warning in advance / before something happens
  16. checking in (on someone) =  visit, call, or write to them to find out how they’re doing
  17. big brother is watching them. (From 1984) =  they are being monitored by the government as a means of controlling and suppressing them
  18. meetExpectations, requirements, standards


00:00 one of the terms that we hear a lot in
00:05 is micromanaging nobody wants to be a
00:08 micro manager nobody wants to be micro
00:11 managed and frequently that word gets
00:14 thrown around when it comes to how much
00:16 communication is going on so how do you
00:20 stay in touch and get what you need
00:22 as the manager without coming across as
00:27 a few things the first is to know that
00:30 micro management comes from a place of
00:32 mistrust as we know Trust is built over
00:37 time based on evidence is there a track
00:39 record if Alice has always gotten her
00:45 Alice will get her work done on time so
00:55 very well unsupervised let them do what
00:59 they do
01:00 second is the perception of
01:01 micromanaging often comes because it’s
01:14 two-way communication gives you what you
01:18 instances of communication that have to
01:20 happen if you have good two-way live
01:23 communication with someone you can
01:30 out when the next good time to talk to
01:32 them is and it helps you control the
01:41 comes in micromanaging communication is
01:50 people it makes them crazy get what you
01:57 communication you’re not trying to bust
01:59 anyone you’re not trying to catch them
02:02 being unprepared you really want to make
02:10 everybody and so if you schedule the
02:12 give them a heads up when you’ll be
02:14 calling or checking in it will feel less
02:17 like big brother is watching them and
02:20 then finally at the beginning of your
02:27 including what you need to get your job
02:30 done your request for information at the
02:34 end of the week is not about making sure
02:36 they’re getting their work done it’s
02:37 because you need that information
02:39 to go to your boss if people know what
02:42 your expectations and needs are they
02:46 might actually help you meet them
02:48 without your being overly demanding so
02:57 it can also be very clear



over time based on evidence

barrage of emails drowning people in information, commands, requests

awfully thin but it can also be very clear.