Eiken Grade 5-4

#2. A: Do you play tennis? B Yes, I do. This is my _______.

#3. I eat _________ at 12:30.

#5. I have a brother. ________ likes to play soccer.

#6. I have a sister. _______ plays tennis.

#7. A: What is your brother doing? B: He is _______ in the kitchen.

#8. My father watches TV every ______.

#9. A: It's a beautiful day today. B: Yes. Let's ______ baseball after school.

#10. I'm sleepy. I want to _______ to bed.

#11. My sister's computer is very old. She wants a ______ one.

#12. ______ at those flowers. They are very beautiful.

#13. A: Let's _____ shopping at the new department store next Sunday. B: Good idea!

#14. A: Can you _______ the window, please? It's cold in this room. B: Sure.

#15. A: Do you like sports, John? B: Yes. I often ______ football games on TV.
