- What do you think about Halloween?
- Do you like dressing up?
- Do you like horror movies?
- How many people came to Nicole’s house?
- Why does she like scaring people?
Key Words & Phrases
- Ghastly creatures emerging out of the darkness
- Just hanging around
- Trick-or-treating
- Things that go bump-in-the-night
- It’s a pretty expensive hobby, but it’s well worth it.
- It’s my passion
- I look forward to it each and every year
- I get a thrill out of people walking up to the driveway
- I really like the Halloween spirit
- A graveyard with zombies emerging from the earth
- Let your imagination run wild
- Let loose
- Creepy
- Morbid
- Without people looking at you funny
- All Saint’s Eve is observed
- Peculiar
- Extravagant
- Compare and contrast Halloween in America and Japan.
- Would you like to visit a decorated house for Halloween in America?
- Are there any similar experiences in Tokyo?
- In the spirit of Halloween, do you have any scary stories to share?
- If you don’t like Halloween, which holidays do you like?
Role Play
A: A trick-or-treating child
B: The owner of a house participating in Halloween
A: *knock knock.* “Trick-or treat!”
B: Hello there! That looks scary/cute/gorgeous! What are you dressed up as?
A: I’m a _____!
B: That’s wonderful. Your costume looks great. You deserve some candy! I have Kit Kat, Snickers, Oh Henry, Mars bars, M&Ms, Smarties…what would you like?
A: Hmm, _____ please!
B: Here you go. Enjoy! Bye!
A: Thank you!