Regular: New Zealand The Best of Waiheke: Ziplining, Wine Tasting and Vineyard Lunch

  • 投稿カテゴリー:Regular

Warm Up

  1. Are you a beach or a mountain person? 
  2. Which do you choose to travel to, Australia or New Zealand?


Before the video: Teachers will read the following questions aloud, please prepare for listening!
After the video: Did you get it? If not, please tell your teacher specifically which part you didn’t understand. Let’s review the video again 🙂
  1. How many types of wine did the narrator try?
  2. Should you have wine first or food?
  3. What was the narrator afraid of doing in the video?
Key Words & Phrases
Do you understand the following Key Words & Phrases? Your teacher will select Key Words & Phrases and ask you about their meanings.
If you don’t understand, your teacher can explain them. Afterwards, try to use the Key Words & Phrases to make a sentence!
  1. We’re gonna explore the vineyards as well as do a little bit of zip lining.
  2. I’m not very good with heights
  3. Alright, we are all done with zip lining.
  4. Now it’s time to go taste some wine
  5. They get gradually more exciting as we go
  6. On the nose, if you give the wine a swirl, it’s got a really intense bit of passion fruit.
  1. Would you like to try zip lining? Are you good with heights?
  2. Have you ever gone wine tasting? Where do you think the best wine comes from? Are you more of a white, red wine or beer person? 
  3. What are some things on your bucket list?Many people would say skydiving or zip lining

Countries of the World Quiz

Describing pictures


00:07 – It is a beautiful day to hop aboard a ferry
00:12 where we’re gonna explore the vineyards,
00:16 Let’s go.
00:22 Hey!
00:23 – What we’re gonna do is come around
00:27 – I’m not very good with heights,
00:29 did I mention that before?
00:32 – [Zipline Instructor] Three, two, one, zip!
00:41 – That was so good.
00:42 – If you could put yourself in that would be awesome.
00:45 – So we did one zip line,
00:47 and then we get to go
00:47 on a little mini hike through the forest.
00:50 And we got two more zip lines to go to.
00:53 Oh my goodness.
00:54 – It’s a wonderful thing
00:55 ‘cause you get three in total.
00:56 And they start off nice and easy
00:58 and they get gradually more exciting as we go.
01:04 – The zip line experience was great.
01:06 The speed, the adrenaline, that was really fun.
01:08 – And then the long bush walk at the end was…
01:10 topped it off really.
01:13 – Alright, we are all done with zip lining.
01:14 And now it’s time to go taste some wine.
01:20 – So far this tour has been wonderful.
01:22 We have tasted two different types of wine,
01:25 and now we’re off to lunch.
01:28 – This is heavenly.
01:36 – Alright, lunch is done.
01:37 Off to our next vineyard.
01:42 – Come on up, ladies and gentlemen.
01:44 The wine tasting awaits you.
01:45 – [Host] Oh my goodness.
01:47 – If you haven’t had a food and wine tasting before,
01:49 we highly recommend you try the wine first
01:52 with a fresh palate
01:53 before pairing with the food.
01:54 On the nose, if you give the wine a swirl
01:55 it’s got a really intense bit of passion fruit.
01:58 And it’s a fantastically crisp, clean
02:00 style of sauvignon blanc.
02:05 – Today was so awesome!
02:06 From ferrying across the island
02:07 to conquering my fears and doing zip lining
02:10 to then trying all these amazing wines.
02:12 You guys have to try this tour.
1. 2
2. wine