Presentation Skills Training Toronto: Executive Presence Training(3:04)

  • 投稿カテゴリー:Business

Key Words & Phrases
Script (*一部不正確です)
00:00 projecting self-confidence is pivotal to
00:15 your role as an emerging leader Tom you
00:20 were asked to prepare a presentation for
00:21 today and now the floor belongs to you
00:23 please begin
00:27 hi okay just bear with me just one
00:35 second here I got to get to my
00:37 introduction okay no it’s not the end
00:46 all pets
00:52 financial incorporated with your
00:55 retirement in mind by Tom Preston so I’m
01:01 going to talk for just a little while
01:04 this morning it’s a nine o’clock now and
01:07 we’ll have you out of here by noon I
01:15 naturally not too long at all so we’ll
01:18 jump right in we’ll just jump in that’ll
01:20 be great
01:21 and we’ll jump on to here today I want
01:23 to give you all a sense of just you know
01:26 300 easy to remember tips for planning
01:30 and saving for your retirement
01:32 right that’s yeah easy peasy nothing too
01:35 new here we have this slide which is
01:38 self-explanatory I mean we’re all
01:41 professional see I don’t even need to
01:42 tell you what this means here I mean the
01:45 results and expectations the swings the
01:47 growth you’ve you’ve heard that before
01:49 that’s is it hot investment portfolio
01:54 management as I was saying the results
01:56 and expectations of those results I mean
01:59 you got to keep your eye on that mmm the
02:03 savings goals your insurance coverage
02:07 with all your liquid assets your your
02:09 illiquid assets you know that
02:12 ring all the way to ok our last slide
02:16 again that’s me there it’s the end thank
02:18 you very much thanks everyone for
02:20 listening to my presentation I’m Tom
02:22 Preston thanks a lot again Tom that was
02:28 something else I think we all learned
02:30 how not to make a presentation I think
02:37 making a professional presentation it’s
02:40 not just business etiquette or looking
02:42 and acting the part it’s far more than