Incredible useful travel apps you didn’t know about until now(1:56) 投稿公開日:2018年8月21日 投稿カテゴリー:Traveling Key words and phrases 🔊 Hit the road 🔊 Rack up your cell phone bill Discussion questions 🔊 1.Do you like to travel? 🔊 2.Are you good at packing? Do you overpack/underpack? 🔊 3.Would you consider using any of these apps? 🔊 4.Are there any travel apps that you would recommend? おすすめ A Taste of Taiwan(2:41) 2019年4月27日 8 Ways to Travel Smarter 2018年9月10日 Vancouver Canada Top Things To Do | Viator Travel Guide(2:33) 2019年3月31日