- Have you ever been to Hawaii? If not, would you like to visit?
- What do you know about Hawaii?
Before the video: Teachers will read the following questions aloud, please prepare for listening!
After the video: Did you get it? If not, please tell your teacher specifically which part you didn’t understand. Let’s review the video again 🙂
- Which beach did they visit?
- What kind of show did they watch?
- What did they do in the national park?
Key Words & Phrases
Do you understand the following Key Words & Phrases? Your teacher will select Key Words & Phrases and ask you about their meanings.
If you don’t understand, your teacher can explain them. Afterwards, try to use the Key Words & Phrases to make a sentence!
- 00:24 – Maui is known for its incredible reefs and waters. The coral is awesome.
- 00:42 Water was splashing, everyone was soaking wet
- 01:23 Right before the sun rises up, there is just the most vibrant colors.
- 01:44 Everything is just stunning.
- What will you do in Hawaii?
- Would you like to try Hula dancing?
- Which do you prefer, beaches or mountains?
00:05 – Aloha.
00:30 It’s huge.
01:06 The synchronized moves of the hula
01:21 It’s magnificent up here.
01:30 This is miraculous.
01:44 Everything is just stunning.
01:52 and it is so breathtaking.
01:54 Just gorgeous.
01:59 – Me too.