Reading – How many legs?

How many legs?

How many legs do snakes have? ヘビの足は何本?

Snakes have no legs.  ヘビに足はありません。

How many legs does the boy have? その男の子の足は何本?

The boy has two legs.  その男の子の足は2本です。

How many legs do giraffes have? キリンの足は何本?

Giraffes have four legs.  キリンの足は4本です。

How many legs do octopuses have? たこの足は何本?

Octopuses have eight legs.  たこの足は8本です。

How many legs? 足は何本?

1 sad

2 eyes

3 sit

4 bike

5 help

6 park

7 cold

8 plane

9 long