Business 132(Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun) – Don’t Make These Common Body Language Mistakes When Talking To A ‘VIP’

  • 投稿カテゴリー:Business

—- * * FOR NEW STUDENTS ** ————————————— ————

  1. What industry do you work in and what is your role?
  2. What are your responses in your role / position?
  3. Can you describe to the function of your workplace / company?
  4. How many departments, how many offices. National or International?
  5. What are the minimum requirements for employment ie Education or Experience?
  6. How many opportunities are there to ‘move up the ladder’?
  7. What is the process for changing job roles ie Interview? Test?

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General discussion about your workweek:

  1. Current projects? Deadlines? Opportunities?
  2. Anything of interest happening?


1. In any type of face-to-face or video meeting, your body language can set the tone for the direction of the conversation. Depending on how you present yourself, the other person may be able to tell if you’re tense, worried or even closed off.
2. Poor body language can have detrimental effects, especially if you’re speaking to a “very important person” who can determine the fate of your business. That’s why it’s important to put your best foot forward with parties like potential investors and business partners by paying extra attention to your nonverbal communications.

3. To help you, eight Young Entrepreneur Council members shared some common body language mistakes you should avoid when speaking to a VIP.

(1) Shrinking Up

Avoid shrinking or displaying a lack of confidence. Especially with a VIP, it can be easy to lower your head, take a small step back or hunch your shoulders. Instead, feel free to take up a bit more space, be more expansive with your body language by incorporating your hands a bit more and keep your chin and head up.

What are some clear differences have you noticed in the body language of other cultures?

4. (2) Rubbing Your Hands Together
One of the worst body language mistakes is rubbing your hands together in an important meeting. In a business setting, this sign means you are not interested or you are not impressed. It might work well when you really don’t want the offer, but if the deal is important for you and you want to grab it, then avoid this body language mistake. To stop this, keep your arms at your sides and do not let them come together.
5. (3) Mimicking (Even Subconsciously)
There’s a subconscious tendency to match the mannerisms and body language of the people you’re talking to, especially when trying to ingratiate yourself with them. This is a common sales tactic that can work, but it’s not a good idea to try it when talking to potential partners or investors in your business. In these cases, conscious or subconscious mimicry can seem obsequious at best and outright insulting at worst, so you’re better off just acting naturally.
6. (4) Making Exaggerated Hand Gestures
Often when people get excited or nervous, their hands start to match their moods. Soon, we see people chopping the air, pointing at their audience and waving their hands wildly. While it’s OK and normal to move your hands, it’s important to know how you’re moving them. Next time you’re talking to a VIP, be aware of your hands. To create authority, try using your hands to drive home the point you’re making. When you show a number, show that with your hands. Highlight emotional moments by putting your hand over your heart. 

What are some uniquely japanese examples of body language, what do they convey?

7. (5) Having Bad Posture
Focusing on good posture is a great place to start. It ensures you come across confident without being self-important. It also shows that you are relaxed and calm, while also being interested and involved. Having your chest puffed up and your arms crossed in front of you might come across as being insecure, uninterested, anxious or arrogant. You can keep your hands relaxed at your sides or if you’re someone who “talks” with their hands, and keep your movements calm and measured. Above all, make sure you make eye contact.
8. (6) Avoiding Eye Contact
You want to stay engaged in conversation, no matter if you are talking with a VIP or an employee. If you are speaking with someone you want to establish a connection with, the last thing you should be doing is looking at your phone, around the room or at someone else. You don’t have to keep your eyes locked on whomever you’re speaking with, but it’s a good idea to make eye contact during discussions.

What impression do the examples of body language listed above give you?

Hyptothetical question, but if you were hiring someone to work with you on an important project and the applicant had an incredible resume but their bodylanguage was quite odd, how would that affect your

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