Business – How to Create an Elevator Pitch With Examples

  • 投稿カテゴリー:Business
1. What’s an elevator pitch, and how can it help your career? An elevator pitch—also known as an elevator speech—is a quick synopsis of your background and experience. The reason it’s called an elevator pitch is that it should be short enough to present during a brief elevator ride.
2. This speech is all about you: who you are, what you do, and what you want to do (if you’re job hunting).
Tip: Your elevator pitch is a way to share your expertise and credentials quickly and effectively with people who don’t know you.
Done right, this short speech helps you introduce yourself to career and business connections in a compelling way. It can help you build your network, land a job, or connect with new colleagues on your first day of work.

When and How to Use an Elevator Speech

3. If you’re job searching, you can use your elevator pitch at job fairs and career expos, and online in your LinkedIn summary or Twitter bio, for example. An elevator speech is a great way to gain confidence in introducing yourself to hiring managers and company representatives.

First impressions, please discuss some good and bad first impressions you have experienced, why were they good/bad? What makes a good impression?

“You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression”

4. You can also use your elevator pitch to introduce yourself at networking events and mixers. If you’re attending professional association programs and activities, or any other type of gathering, have your pitch ready to share with those you meet.
5. Your elevator pitch can be used during job interviews, especially when you’re asked about yourself. Interviewers often begin with the question, “Tell me about yourself” — think of your elevator pitch as a super-condensed version of your response to that request.
What to Say
6. Your elevator speech should be brief. Restrict the speech to 30-60 seconds. You don’t need to include your entire work history and career objectives. Your pitch should be a short recap of who you are and what you do.  

What advice have you been given in the past on  giving an elevator pitch / or good first impression? What information do you think is most important to include? Why?

7. You need to be persuasive. Even though it’s a short pitch, your elevator speech should be compelling enough to spark the listener’s interest in your idea, organization, or background.
8. Share your skills. Your elevator pitch should explain who you are and what qualifications and skills you have. Try to focus on assets that add value in many situations. This is your chance to brag a bit — avoid sounding boastful, but do share what you bring to the table.
9. Practice, practice, practice. The best way to feel comfortable about giving an elevator speech is to practice it until the speed and “pitch” come naturally, without sounding robotic. You will get used to varying the conversation as you practice doing so. The more you practice, the easier it will be to deliver it when you’re at a career networking event or job interview.

Please prepare an elevator pitch for the class based on the recommendations in this article.