Business 108 – The New Management Superpower Is Humor. Seriously?

  • 投稿カテゴリー:Business

Standup comedy can teach a great deal about empathy, rapport and communication

Warm up

—- * * FOR NEW STUDENTS ** ————————————— ————

  1. What industry do you work in and what is your role?
  2. What are your responses in your role / position?
  3. Can you describe to the function of your workplace / company?
  4. How many departments, how many offices. National or International?
  5. What are the minimum requirements for employment ie Education or Experience?
  6. How many opportunities are there to ‘move up the ladder’?
  7. What is the process for changing job roles ie Interview? Test?

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General discussion about your workweek:

  1. Current projects? Deadlines? Opportunities?
  2. Anything of interest happening?

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1. A number of years ago, as a newly-minted assistant professor at Harvard Business School, I sought advice from several senior faculty members.  I wanted their tips about how to succeed at the art of case method teaching.  The pearl that made the biggest impression on me is this one:  study the performances of standup comedians.  

2. At first, this advice seemed a trifle bizarre.  What did comedy have to do with the serious work of training future business leaders? But then I got it.  Case method teaching is based in conversation.

3. It’s Socratic dialogue with a room full of brainy students.  And to have a great discussion, you need to be able to connect with your audience and create rapport, be quick on your feet, show empathy, and communicate with a rich palette

Please think about the people that you work with; coworkers, superiors and subordinates

-How many of them would you say have a strong sense of humor and in what way do they use it?

4. All of this prepared me for my recent close encounter with Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas, authors of a new, immensely appealing  book – Humor, Seriously – that asserts the extraordinary value of humor in business. 

5. This dynamic duo makes an evidence-based case for the power of humor to enable what they call the “new leadership.”   Citing a bouquet of empirical research, they assert that managers with a sense of humor were rated by subordinates as 23% more respected, 25% more pleasant to work with and 17% friendlier.  During negotiations over the price of an artwork, it was found that buyers were willing to pay on average 18% more when the seller showed a sense of humor.

When working with international clients/colleagues do you notice a difference in the way they use humour, can you give examples? 

6.[responsivevoice voice = "US English Female" buttontext = ""]Companies that embedded humor in their culture could point to employees who were 16% more likely to stay at their jobs, feel engaged and experience satisfaction.  A sense of humor was said to accelerate the development of trust, to stimulate creativity, foster a sense of psychological safety, and increase the ability to cope with stress.  This all makes HQ, as distinct from IQ or EQ, sound like a veritable management panacea.

HVB Global Academy

7. I caught up with Jennifer and Naomi right after their book launch. Here are some highlights from our conversation in their own words. The importance of humor  – Humor brings to the fore the importance of connecting and laughing and being able to find joy. 

8. From the very beginning, our thesis has been that laughing with someone is one of the most connecting things we can do.  There is science to prove that. We need to feel more connected when we have divisiveness, when we can’t be with the people we love or when we’re with co-workers who we barely tolerate.

What other personality traits do you think are important, especially in succeeding in business?


1. How important is a sense of humor to you? Would you describe yourself as a person who uses humor at work?

2. Please think about the people that you work with; coworkers, superiors and subordinates

-How many of them would you say have a strong sense of humor and in what way do they use it?

3. What other personality traits do you think are important, especially in succeeding in business?

Phonetic Chart

Phonemic Chart - click to see or print full size