3 Times Science Debunked the Paranormal

  • 投稿カテゴリー:未分類

Warm Up Questions

  1. Are you excited for Halloween?
  2. Are you superstitious?
  3. Have you seen any shows or movies about the paranormal?


  1. (0:00 to 2:10) Which new household appliance was responsible for the haunting?
  2. (2:10 to 3:20) Which bug is responsible for scary images caught on camera?
  3. (3:20 to end) Where can the Marfa Lights be seen?

Key Words & Phrases (0:00 to 2:10)

  1. From _____ to _____ to _____,
  2. Spooky ghosts
  3. UFOs
  4. Mysterious floating lights
  5. Paranormal
  6. Creepiest campfire stories
  7. Debunked
  8. Careful observations
  9. Scientists looked into something strange and found a perfectly rational – although in some cases, still very unsettling – scientific explanation for it.
  10. Supposedly-haunted
  11. Waves of fear or shivers
  12. Terrifying grey apparition
  13. Corner of [his] eye
  14. Also happened to be a fencer
  15. Clamp
  16. Vibrating
  17. Traced back to
  18. Resonant frequency
  19. Studies have shown that
  20. Uneasiness and dizziness
  21. Affect your sense of balance

Key Words & Phrases (2:10 to 3:20)

  1. Long, rod-like
  2. Multiple sets of
  3. Passed off as
  4. Interdimensional
  5. The creation of these ghostly images have to do with how cameras work.
  6. Beat their wings
  7. One frame
  8. Field of view
  9. As cool as they sound, and as cool as it would be

Key Words & Phrases (3:20 to end)

  1. Horizon
  2. Hovering
  3. Blinking
  4. Shed some light on the situation
  5. Atmosphere reflecting headlights
  6. There was a direct relationship between…
  7. Correspond to
  8. You’d think it would be pretty easy to tell whether…
  9. Magnified
  10. Shimmer
  11. Mirage
  12. Density
  13. Temperature inversion
  14. Replicated
  15. All you need are the right questions and a healthy dose of skepticism.


  1. Do you have any spooky stories?
  2. Do you think that everything has a rational explanation?
  3. Practice talking about the cause and effect of each of these three examples, for example:
    1. _____ has/have to do with _____.
    2. _____ is responsible for _____.