Picture book – The Elves and the Shoemaker

  • 投稿カテゴリー:Kids

The Elves and the Shoemaker

1 Once upon a time, there was a poor shoemaker who had no money left

2 In the morning, when he went to his workbench

3 Later that day, a rich woman came into the shop to buy some shoes

4 Once again, the same thing happened

5 That day, the shoemaker was able to buy enough leather for four pairs of shoes

6 One evening not long before Christmas

7 At last, the door opened

8 The next morning, the shoemaker said to his wife

9 The shoemaker thought that was a very good idea

10 By Christmas Eve, everything stood ready

11 In the middle of night

12 Then the Elves skipped merrily out of the door singing