P100-101 Answers(Side by Side)

  • 投稿カテゴリー:Side by Side


重要 How often … ? どのくらいの頻度(ひんど)で〜しますか?

everyは毎(まい)や全てという意味でevery day/ week/ month/ yearで毎日、毎週、毎月、毎年という意味です。

A. How often does your boyfriend call you? (どれくらいの頻度であなたのボーイフレンドはあなたに電話しますか?)

B. He calls me every night.(彼は私に毎晩電話します)

1. How often do you use your computer?(どれくらいの頻度であなたはあなたのパソコンを使いますか?)

I use my computer every day.(私は私のパソコンを毎日使います)

2. How often do you write to your son?(どれくらいの頻度であなたは?)

I write to my son every week.

3. How often do you clean your windows?

I clean my windows every month.

4. How often do you visit your aunt in Minnesota?

I visit my aunt in Minnesota every year.

5. How often do you wash your car?

I wash my car every weekend.

6. How often do your grandchildren call you?

They call us every Sunday.

7. How often does your boss say hello to you?

He says hello to me every morning.

8. How often do you feed the animals?

I feed them every afternoon.

9. How often do you think about me?

I think about you all the time.