209 words 959 characters
P3: This is Tony.
P5: He owns a company. It is called Stark. Stark is also his last name.
P6: Tony is rich. He has a beach house.
P7: He has a house in the city.
P8: He has a boat that is big as a house. He has a house as big as an island.
P9: Tony has good friends. He works with his friend Pepper Potts.
P10: Tony has a friend named James Rhodes. Tony calls him Rhodey. Rhodey works for the army.
P11: Tony has a secret.
P12: Tony wears a disk. It keeps him alive.
P13: He made the disk.
P14: But that is not all.
P15: Tony has a bigger secret. He keeps it in his case.
P16: He keeps a suit with him.
P17: He puts on the suit.
P18: This is Tony’s big secret. He is a Super Hero!
P19: Tony puts on his helmet. He has a secret name. He calls himself Iron Man.
P23: He can shoot repulser blasts.
P24: Iron Man shoots his blasts. They stop bad guys.
P25: Tony’s suit makes him strong.
P27: It makes him a Super Hero.
P28: Tony works to make his suit better. He tests new things.