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People around the world could be getting less sleep at night because of rising temperatures caused by global warming, according to a recent study. A team of scientists from universities in Denmark and Germany studied data from sleep-tracking devices worn on the wrist, with more than 47,000 people across 68 countries taking part.
Researchers found that sleep loss begins to increase steeply when temperatures rise above 10 degrees Celsius at night, with those sleeping in conditions hotter than 30 C losing an average of over 11.5 minutes per night compared to people sleeping at between 5-10 C.
(1)Are you a morning person or a night owl? When do you like to wake up?
(2)Do you find it harder to sleep in hot weather? Do you use air conditioning during the night?
3. That’s almost three full days of sleep lost per year. Released in May, the results were taken from a two-year period between September 2015 and October 2017.
Failure to consistently get a good night’s sleep — estimated to be at least seven hours for adults — has been linked to both physical and mental health concerns.
(1)What is your before-bed routine? Is there something you need to do in order to sleep?
(2)Do you take naps? How long should a good nap be?
Some groups suffer more than others. The results, published in the journal One Earth, suggest that women, those over 65 and people from lower- and middle-income countries may experience greater sleep loss.
The researchers suggest that women — who tend to have a thicker layer of fat beneath the skin than men — may, as a result, find that their ability to lose heat is impaired, resulting in less sleep in hot weather.